Massage & Bodywork

Clinical Massage & Therapeutic Bodywork is manual manipulation/mobilization of the soft tissue, muscles/sinews, joints, vessels/nerves, and bone using skilled, hands-on techniques to assess and treat soft tissue and joint dysfunction. Manual therapy can address myoskeletal and structural problems as well as vital organ systems (visceral manipulation).

Structural Balancing for pain, posture, and movement issues that inhibit functional ability – it includes functional/orthopedic assessment to identify the problem and hands-on manual therapy. Soft tissue myoskeletal balancing for targeted recovery/performance treatment.

Joint-mobilization and capsule work to increase synovial fluid intake into the joint to treat and repair scar tissue inside the capsule (and [prescursors to] osteoarthritis) and bone-on-bone end feels to restore muscle elasticity and safety buffer to the joints.

Other modalities: Swedish Relaxation Massage, Thai Yoga Bodywork, Sports Stretch, Lymphatic Drainage Technique, Visceral Manipulation.

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Zachary E. Fant | | 864-419-4502