
Research means to re-search something that was previously sought out and discovered, with hope that what is discovered may be understood, tested, refined, and shared with people.

Qigong Institute, Energy Medicine database:

Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies:

Energy Medicine University, James L. Oschman:

ProHealthSys, Dr. Nikita Vizniak:

101 Miracles of Natural Healing by Luke Chan (c.1996) is a book that documents 101 medical case histories ranging every known disease category (acute and chronic) and beyond – people that were diagnosed “incurable,” terminal, no hope, who through Qigong practice were completely restored to vibrant health! All located at the world’s largest medicine-less hospital, Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Clinic & Training Center in the city of Qinghuangdao, China (interviews conducted May 1995). It’s an awesome book. This is one example of an excellent research piece.

Much of my medical understanding comes from direct experience (personally and clinically) that has been tested and refined to produce desired results. I’ve not yet had a pressing need to seek out much published external research, since experience rules all. Therefore, for the sake of citation and remaining evidence-based, I will continue to expand formal research.

Coming Soon… more content on this topic. Manual Therapy.

Zachary E. Fant | | 864-419-4502