Eleven years practicing and teaching Qigong and internal body cultivation. Six years practicing Chen Taijiquan. Experiencing injury, illness, death, and faced with shearing heart pains that doctors could not understand nor remedy, I took health into my own hands to discover how the human body works. Daoist Qigong and Early Chinese Medicine provide an implicit map for engaging and cultivating your physiological-bioenergetic processes revolving around Five Zang (Viscera, Wujingshen): Lung, Heart, Liver, Spleen, Kidneys. As I continue my mission to study medicine and history, the more the human body reveals to me.
Four years practicing Clinical Massage & Bodywork Integration (emphasis in Structural Balancing). This is a targeted treatment approach to massage therapy using functional assessment and manual therapy (myofascial release, edgework, joint-mobilization) for structurally balancing the oft-habituated musculoskeletal soft-tissue distortions responsible for many pain, posture, and movement problems (from chronic muscle and nerve tension). Manual therapy has always played a role in medicine of every culture, let us not forget. I trained Swedish massage, Thai Yoga Bodywork, John F. Barnes MFR therapy, etc. Training continues…
Four years practicing Medical Qigong Therapy for treatment of the vital organ systems (ZangFu). I began this after some years exercising Qigong self-cultivation and Taijiquan martial arts practices, which were helpful in beginning to understand and train some of the methods used for treating patients (moving energy in a way that is beneficial for the constitution and regulation of the client’s physiology) in MQ Therapy. Training continues…
Thanks for visiting and I look forward to working with you,
Zachary E. Fant :)| ZacharyFant@gmail.com | 864-419-4502